
My budgie is called Pingu and I love him soo much especially as he can talk in five languages. Hes 7 years old which is incredible for a bird of such low intelligenge. He has a particular liking for my mums chocolate moose. Quite often, when its sitting on the table, he'll fly round the room and dive bomb it. However, I think he got a little too excited cos last week, I came into the room and couldn't see him anywhere, only hear his cute little voice going "come on shutup" (which is what he normally says ) From the bowel I could see his blue head bobbing up and down all covered in chocolately goo. He'd managed to completely submerged himself and was obviousely greatly enjoying it as he kept trying to bite me every time I tried to lift him out! Needless to say none of us got any moose that night although my little sister licked him clean ! AAHHH Pingu, we all love you. xxxxxxx I hope you never ever die.

- Submitted by Emi (aged 8)

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