Budgie Stories
Missing Peter

My budgie Peter passed away in July, 2000. He was 15 years old...he was my brothers birthday present and I can still remember him bringing him home in a shoebox...i was only 2. Pete was a fat ol' bird. He would waddle around the house and get stuck in the most awkward of places...just tweeting for someone to save him..He loved playing under a dripping tap..and dancing to music..sitting on my shoulder.. and playing games with my thumb... Towards the end all he could do was sit on my hand and fall asleep...i used to watch him sleep and study him...i remember how he had the cutest little eyelashes. Pete was my mate and a much loved family member..and will always be.

Missing Pete

- Submitted by Shanu and family, Sydney

©1997-2000 Me & My Budgie