Menta Went By and By or Not
Menta Went By and By or Not

OK this is my story and it really happend,

Well i have 3 parakeets named Menta(mint) turquesa(turquoise) and clementina(clementine) it all began when one day i had tooken my budgies out mint and turquoise out bot i did not realize that mints wings were long so suddenly mint heared another bird and got scared so she flew away, I chased her until i saw her on a tree you couldn't really see her because the tree was green so green like her but I finally saw her, I yelled for help and my grandma, mom, and nanny came, my mom not so smart threw her sweatshirt but mint flew away. I cried so hard I didn't know what to do I prayed and prayed we looked in the streets but nothing. My mom said she would by another one for me but no I didn't want another one I wanted her she was special and so nice. So we went to put Torquoise in the tree that Mint had flown away from and I left to by another budgie, there was a cute one at the store, she was young i named her star then it was 6:00 in the afternoon Mint had flown away in the morning.I had thought so much about her like if she was hungry or thirsty so many things i felt like if in my heart i was missing a piece. Then we walked to where turquoise was and then in the distance i my nanny saw a little green thing in the tree that was chirping I screamed with excitement. My nanny told me to go get the ladder so i went so fast like if a lion was chasing me and i called everyone in my house, she put the ladder and grabbed her I was so happy to see her. When we put her back in the cage she was very hungry and thirsty but we had another problem star the new bird was sick so we took her back and my mother chose another one we named her almond she was beautiful but something also happend to her but that is another story.

- Submitted by MariaJose Livingstone

©1997-2000 Me & My Budgie