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Libertys Abbreviated Story

In June of 1989, my husband and I got married and went to Florida on our honeymoon. When we were there, we visited the Parrot Jungle and saw the amazing parrots and read up on the parrots relatives.

After we returned, I said to my Husband, Lets go get a Budgie or Two, so we did. We bought a little male and I immediately named him Arnold (Don't ask me why) He was sweet and full of charm. Since we both worked full days, then we decided to get Arnold a friend, and went back to the pet shop and saw a little blue hen that seemed to be bold and not scared, we bought her and brought her home. Arnold loved her but she was bossy to him and seemed to be the QUEEN. Sadly, Arnold died a few weeks later (He had a undisclosed tumour) and the hen, now named Liberty, took over. She was fearless and loved to bite, although we never let her out of the cage.

My husband and I went to Florida again in the winter of 1989, and left Liberty with my parents, neither of my mom or dad really like birds, but for me, they opted to care for LIBBY. Well, needless to say, I never got Liberty back. She became so attached to my mom and dad it was crazy, like they had another daughter to look after. They carried her everywhere and when she came out she would go and "paly" at her Budgie Playground which my mom set up on the floor by the TV. This bird rarely flew, he ran, and became quiet pudgie to say the least.

Liberty loved me and wanted very hard to climb into my mouth and it was funny when she tried to clean and preen my teeth. I had major surgery in 1993 and my mom and dad looked after me, and Liebrty was in seventh heaven, because I was there for 5 whole days.

Sadly, Libby took ill in 1994 and was diagnsed with a liver tumour and after spending $400.00 to help her at the Vets, she died peacefully at my parents.

My dad buried her in the park behind where they lived and after her death they never got another Budgie. My mom died undexpectedly in may of 1997 then my dad died this past December.

Life sure can be depressing sometimes, but now I ahave MR. BEAN and charming and sure loves to Bite Hen Budgie by my side.

- Submitted by Leslie and D'Bean

©1997-1999 Me & My Budgie