Our Little Heather FeatherHeather was our pretty blue birdie. My Aunt gave her to us, She was just a baby when we got her. It took a short time for her to become attached to us and we were very attached to her. I thought she might want a friend bird so I got a plastic bird for her at first. She fell inlove with that plastic bird. Heather would hug it and cuddle it. I thought maybe I should get her a real bird after I seen how happy she was with the plastic one. My Aunt gave us a gray bird but we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl because it was so young. They never got along. Later, we found out the gray bird was a girl bird to. So we bought a green boy budgie named Patrick for Heather. The same color of her plastic bird. We gave the gray bird to an Avery full of birds, because she was fighting to much with Heather and our green Patrick. Heather and Patrick were so happy together. Heather loved us very much too.
One day she started to act much closer to us than ever. She would fly to My husband, my 6 and 8 year old daughters anytime we walked passed her cage. Heather would cuddle up behind our ears or neck. She would crawl in our hands and try to get inside our shirts. I think she was trying to stay warm with our body heat. She also hesitated to go to her cage. I tried to keep her cage warm. One night we all went out and came back home. My 6 year old daughter went to the cage to find Poor Little Heather Feather lying on her side at the bottom of the cage. I picked Heather up and she was very cold. Patrick is very upset. He keeps chirping for his loving wife Heather. I feel so bad that we lost Heather and I know Patrick is very sad.
I think we will find another friend for Patrick but we cannot ever replace our loving little blue Heather Feather.
Heather was only 2 in half years old. We don't know why she died but we will always remember her. She is in our hearts and she is in Heaven with God and Greatgrandma and our friend Bill.
11-28-99 is the day that Heather went to Heaven.
- Submitted by TSaun42350@aol.com