Normal Blue Budgies are one of the more popular colors for pet budgies. They are generally classified into skyblues, cobalts, and mauves.
- Mask (face) - white
- Body - bright sky blue color with black and white wavey striped wings and back.
- Tail Feathers - blueish black.
- Throat Spots - three black spots on each side
- Cheek Patches - purple
- Mask (face) - white
- Body - rich cobalt blue color with black and white wavey striped wings and back.
- Tail Feathers - blueish black and darker than the skyblue
- Throat Spots - three black spots on each side
- Cheek Patches - purple
- Mask (face) - white
- Body - purply-blueish-grey color with black and white wavey striped wings and back.
- Tail Feathers - blueish black and slightly darker than the skyblue and cobalt
- Throat Spots - three black spots on each side
- Cheek Patches - purple
- NOTE: - Color is often splotchy and uneven.
Additional Resources:
- Budgie Bytes: Normal Budgies - pictures and descriptions.