The Budgie and I
The Budgie and I

I had no idea what a wonderful world this was with a budgie in it. Two years ago a beautiful lutino budge flew into my life. She was flying from tree to tree in the woods behind my home for three days. I really thought it may be a canary because she was so yellow and so far up into the trees. On day three I went outside to search the skies again and could not see her. As I was about to go indoors I looked down and saw a bundle of bright yellow feathers on a bush.

She was almost frozen and looked dead. I was able to scoop her up and take her indoors. My neighbor had a small cage that lent itself as a temporary shelter and I went to a pet store for a real cage , a book on Budgies and food. Next came a trip to a vet. Finding a vet who knew birds was not easy but I was lucky. Needless to say "Sunshine" had found a home. This "free" bird cost me about $140.00 in vet tests and I was thrilled to learn she was healthy and could take her home .

Pretty bird has been with us now for two years and I am totally in love. She talks to us in birdy posture and vocally. The "I love you " will get her anything she wants. My husband has also been totally taken and she is very happy if she has both of us in the same room with here. She is either in husbands pocket or my shoulder and only wants to be in her cage to rest or sleep. We both work days and try to spend our mornings with her and as much evening time as possible. I would love to hear from other budgie folk.

- Submitted by Marlena

©1997-2000 Me & My Budgie