List of Known Toxins & Hazards
- Acetone
- Aerosol Sprays
- Alcohol (drinking AND rubbing)
- Ammonia
- Antifreeze
- Ant Traps
- Asbestos
- Bathroom Cleaners
- Bleach
- Brass Polishes
- Caffeine (ingested)
- Candles (Certain Scented Brands)
- Carbon Monoxide
- Carpet Cleaners
- Carpet Fresheners
- Chlorine
- Chocolate (ingested)
- Cigarette Smoke
- Cigarettes (ingested)
- Cleansers
- Cologne
- Cosmetics (ingested)
- Crayons (ingested)
- Deoderizing Products
- Detergents (ingested)
- Diazanon (DDT)
- Drugs
- Fertilizer
- Flea Powders, Collars, and Airators
- Floor Polishes
- Formaldehyde
- Hair Dyes
- Hair Sprays
- Insecticides
- Jewelry Cleaners
- Kerosene
- Lotions
- Matches (ingested)
- Modeling Glues
- Moth Balls
- Nail Polish
- Nail Polish Remover
- Non-stick Cookware containing PTFE
- Oven Cleaners
- Paint
- Paint Thinner
- Perfume
- Permanent Felt Tip Pens/Markers
- Pesticides
- Rat Poison
- Rubber Cement
- Scented Candles
- Shoe Polish
- Silver Polish
- Smoke
- Spot Removers
- Spray Starch
- Suntan Lotions
- Super Glue
- Teflon
- Toxic Houseplants
- Varnish
- And more...
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